Best Chicago Nanny Agency - Elite Chicago Nannies - MoniCare

Modern luxury

Clients: 224-822-0230

Jobs: 224-247-7910

Best Nanny Agency in Chicago

Best Chicago Nanny Agency, representing Elite Chicago Nannies. We exclusively refer high-caliber nannies, coordinate in-person interviews with top candidates, and ensure the highest standard of nanny service.

Chicago Nanny Agency, Northwest Suburbs Chicago, Nannies in North Western Suburbs Chicago

Hire A Nanny

MoniCare finds, screens, and places the most reliable, caring professional nannies in the city and suburbs....more

Household Manager

An ideal solution for busy families, a nanny-family assistant coordinates and organizes daily family activities...more

Chicago housekeeping service agency, housekeeper agency, hire a housekeeper, best housekeepers in Chicago

Hire A Housekeeper

MoniCare is a trusted agency for fully screened and highly experienced housekeepers available for full-time and part-time work...more

Housekeeper Cook

Housekeeper - Cook

If you want a housekeeper, but also want wonderful home-cooked meals every night, this is the help you need...more

Administrative assistant in Chicago, MoniCare Domestic Staffing Agency


We place administrative staff with strong time management, and problem solving skills. Our assistants can provide a wide range of support...more

Personal assistant in Chicago, MoniCare Domestic Staffing Agency

Personal Assistant

MoniCare personal assistant job descriptions are tailored to the employer's needs. They can work from a corporate office as well as employer's home...more

estate manager, butler

Estate Manager

Estate managers are personnel and property management experts. They act as the head of all household staff for housekeepers, chefs...more

Private Chef

Our private chefs have formal education in the culinary arts and experience preparing cuisine for fine restaurants and formal households...more

Butler in Chicago, MoniCare Domestic Staffing Agency


Butlers are a specialized type of household staff responsible for efficiently running a formal household. A butler is the embodiment...more



Laundresses handle all household laundry duties. Their responsibilities are to maintain and preserve fine clothing and all household fabrics...more

Domestic Couple

Domestic Couple

A domestic couple is a married or committed couple responsible for two or more domestic staff positions in a household...more



Chauffeurs are responsible for driving family members and their guests to business meetings, social and personal...more


What is your long-term guarantee? Do you place nannies in the North Shore Suburbs of Chicago? How do I start the search? How long does it take to find ...more

Hiring a Nanny, Frequently Asked Questions

Client Testimonials

“MoniCare was a great experience. Their client processes are very thorough, which makes me feel good that they are vetting the candidates just as thoroughly ...more” 

- Mary Rowe, from Illinois, hired a nanny

Job seeker Testimonials

“Grace and MoniCare are fantastic. Prompt follow-up, detailed information, excellent communication throughout the seamless introductory and hiring process! ...more

- Jennifer Barlettani, Personal Assistant placed in Chicago 

MoniCare vs. Online

Managing your own nanny search? A detailed online nanny search requires up to 80 hours.  Questions to consider - use an agency or search online on your own: ...more

- Benefits of a full-service agency



owner of MoniCare Monika JanuskyteMonika Januskyte
Founder and Executive Director

Grace Gall
Placement Director

Sarah Kelly
Placement Counselor
Candidate Director


Courtney Bourke

Abigail Thunder Free











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