Charleston Household staff placement, household staffing agency in Charleston, WV

Modern luxury

Clients: 224-822-0230

Jobs: 224-247-7910


Client Testimonials

“We are beyond thrilled with our nanny that we found through MoniCare ...more

- The Kohlsaat family, hired a nanny in Darien, IL

“We highly recommend MoniCare Nannies services to other families ...more

- The Guidarelli family, hired a nanny in Chicago, IL

Read all client testimonials »


We do not service West Virginia at this time. Please do not apply or contact us. Thank you.

Charleston Household Staff

 Top quality nannies, on-call babysitters, housekeepers, executive housekeepers, laundressesAs a trusted Charleston household staff agency, MoniCare places a wide variety of domestic staffing professionals for busy families. Our pool of candidates includes top quality nannies, on-call babysitters, housekeepers, executive housekeepers, laundresses, private chefs, personal assistants, household managers, butlers, estate managers, and domestic couples.

All household staff candidates are interviewed in-person at our agency by our recruitment professionals. We also conduct thorough screenings, background checks, and reference checks for each candidate, ensuring your family’s safety and your peace of mind.

MoniCare sources, screens, and places professional and dedicated household staff for full-time and part-time positions in the Charleston area. To learn more about our process and start your search, contact us today.

Estate Staffing in Charleston, WV>>

Executive Housekeepers in Charleston, WV>>

Private Chefs in Charleston, WV>>

Personal Assistants in Charleston, WV>>

Household Managers in Charleston, WV>>

Chauffeurs in Charleston, WV>>

Estate Managers in Charleston, WV>>

Butlers in Charleston, WV>>

Domestic Couples in Charleston, WV>>

Laundress in Charleston, WV>>


owner of MoniCare Monika JanuskyteMonika Januskyte
Founder and Executive Director

Grace Gall
Placement Director

Sarah Kelly
Placement Counselor
Candidate Director


Courtney Bourke

Abigail Thunder Free











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