Nannies in La Grange Park, IL

Modern luxury

Clients: 224-822-0230

Jobs: 224-247-7910


Client Testimonials

“We are beyond thrilled with our nanny that we found through MoniCare ...more

- The Kohlsaat family, hired a nanny in Darien, IL

“We highly recommend MoniCare Nannies services to other families ...more

- The Guidarelli family, hired a nanny in Chicago, IL

Read all client testimonials »


Nanny ID: 1263  

Nanny ID: 1263

The nanny we placed in La Grange Park, as listed below, has passed our rigorous screening process and has been successfully hired by a MoniCare client.

Successfully placed in La Grange Park, IL 60526
Work Experience 5 years of nanny experience
Experienced with Up to 3 month old newborns, 3 to 12 month old newborns, 1 to 3 year old toddlers, 3 to 5 year old toddlers, 5 to 8 year old children, 8 to 12+ year old children

We have followed up and asked her a few questions:

Why do you like working as a nanny?
I love working as a nanny because I can teach children new things every day and I learn from them myself as well. Children require a lot of patience and care, but the reward is tremendous. There is no bigger pleasure than seeing a child grow intelligent and healthy.

You had been working as a nanny for the family in Bolingbrook, IL 60440 for a while. What did you like about that family?
It was a very friendly family and adorable girls. They were 4 months and 5 years old when I started. Parents were very intelligent and tolerant. It was an intense job but I managed it really well.

What has been your experience working with MoniCare Nannies agency?
I have had very rewarding experience with MoniCare both times I used their services. Agency provided me with open nanny job descriptions, interviewing tips and supported me throughout the placement. I was new to MoniCare. When the first job ended, MoniCare placed me with another lovely family.  

Why do you like working as a nanny?
I love working as a nanny because I can teach children new things every day and I learn from them myself as well. Children require a lot of patience and care, but the reward is tremendous. There is no bigger pleasure than seeing a child grow healthy and happy.

You worked as a nanny for the family in La Grange Park, IL 60526 for a while. What did you like about this family?
It was a very pleasant family and adorable baby girl who was 12 month when I started. I developed a close relationship with the child soon. She made me happy every day.

What has been your experience working with MoniCare Nannies agency?
I had a very positive experience with MoniCare both times I used its services. Agency provided me with open job descriptions, interviewing tips and supported me throughout the placement. This is my second job through MoniCare.  

Nannies We Placed in La Grange Park, IL 60526


owner of MoniCare Monika JanuskyteMonika Januskyte
Founder and Executive Director

Grace Gall
Placement Director

Sarah Kelly
Placement Counselor
Candidate Director


Courtney Bourke

Abigail Thunder Free











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