Housekeepers in {city}, {state_prefix}

Modern luxury

Clients: 224-822-0230

Jobs: 224-247-7910


Client Testimonials

“We are beyond thrilled with our nanny that we found through MoniCare ...more

- The Kohlsaat family, hired a nanny in Darien, IL

“We highly recommend MoniCare Nannies services to other families ...more

- The Guidarelli family, hired a nanny in Chicago, IL

Read all client testimonials »


Housekeepers in {city}, {state_prefix}

MoniCare, a trusted {city} housekeeper placement agency since 2003, specializes in sourcing dedicated housekeepers for both full-time and part-time positions. Our rigorous screening process ensures candidates have proven credentials and extensive experience in detailed cleaning tasks. Explore the link for comprehensive summaries of our placed housekeepers' personality, experience, skills, and duties.

Housekeepers We Placed in

1st of 131
Housekeeper-Household Manager ID: 377  
Housekeeper-Household Manager ID: 377
Successfully placed in Park Ridge, IL 60068
Ethical Values Reliable, Sincere
Profession Related Personality Traits Friendly, Pleasant
Credentials Bilingual
Household Duties Receive home guests, visitors at the door, Drive children and other family members, Grocery shopping (partial list), Grocery shopping (full list), Household supply shopping, Store returns and exchanges, Drop off, pick up dry cleaning, Drop off, pick up mail, Accept deliveries, Organize closets, Organize kitchen cabinets, Plan and manage home parties, Take family's vehicle to the car wash, oil change, Schedule home repairs and maintenance services, Pack, unpack for trips
Administrative Duties Set appointments, make reservations, Answer inquiry letters, Make customer service calls
Heavy Housekeeping Duties Change bed linens, Dust, Vacuum


owner of MoniCare Monika JanuskyteMonika Januskyte
Founder and Executive Director

Grace Gall
Placement Director

Sarah Kelly
Placement Counselor
Candidate Director


Courtney Bourke

Abigail Thunder Free











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